Alexis & Oscar

Friday, July 18, 2025 • Chicago, IL, USA
126 Days To Go!

Alexis & Oscar

Friday, July 18, 2025 • Chicago, IL, USA
126 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Olivia Kim - Maid of Honor
Friend of the Bride
Francisco de Lima - Best Man
Brother of the Groom
Tiffany Ellett - Matron of Honor
Sister of the Bride
Rob Ochalla - Groomsman
Brother of the Bride
Missy Ochalla - Matron of Honor
Sister-in-Law of the Bride
Eric Ellett - Groomsman
Brother-in-Law of the Bride
Ana de Lima - Bridesmaid
Sister-in-Law of the Groom
Chinmay Pulse - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Amanda Ellison - Bridesmaid
Cousin of the Bride
Benton Guess - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Natalie Kawar - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Manuel Ortega - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Rhea Pande - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Pedro Garmendia - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Sydney Ochalla - Junior Bridesmaid
Niece of the Bride
Easton Ellett - Junior Groomsman
Nephew of the Bride
Whitney Ochalla - Junior Bridesmaid
Niece & Goddaughter of the Bride
Austin Ellett - Junior Groomsman
Nephew & Godson of the Bride
Sofia de Lima - Flower Girl
Niece of the Groom
Leo Ellison - Ring Bearer
Cousin Once Removed of the Bride
Brendan Kawar - Usher
Friend of the Bride
Alec Fredriksson - Usher
Friend of the Bride
Kevin Newland - Usher
Friend of the Bride